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  • Posts: 5572
Re: This is a cut throat Trade and getting worse.
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2017, 08:45:10 am »

In 2 years time I'll have a TM and can charge the big money.

But you'll still be "living in a very economically diverse area, where people are struggling for money".
So why can't you charge the higher fee now? You don't need a tm to charge big money.

The price is all in your head.  If you can get £35 for a room, then you can probably get £45, and if you can get £45..... you can probably get £60 etc. What you need is a change of mindset not a tm.

Why do people limit themselves to their own locality, if it's grim where you are spread further a field into slightly more affluent areas, you go where the market is that you want to target.