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gavyn horton

  • Posts: 7
CFR pro 500 on its way.
« on: September 20, 2016, 07:37:34 pm »
hi all
I have got a CFR 500 with a wonder wand coming tomorrow has anyone had experience with this machine and how good is the recycling system.


  • Posts: 1120
Re: CFR pro 500 on its way.
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2016, 01:39:28 pm »
Should have asked before buying.
God must love stupid people---He made so many.

Tony Stewart

  • Posts: 320
Re: CFR pro 500 on its way.
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2016, 07:08:42 pm »
I have one. I bought it second hand as I have a truckmount and just could not face going back to a portable with all that filling and emptying.
It has a wonderwand wand which atomises the water at the same time as heating it. Mine is the slightly older version which has two vacs.
It's good as you can plug the two cables into the same double plug socket and not trip the fuses, whereas some others have to go on a seperate circuit or go into the cooker socket. Mine has the extension hose that will allow me to go upstairs without wheeling the machine up the stairs.
I think that it was develped for commercial cleaning of carpet tiles, by all the videos.
I like the fact that it has a hideway hose so it it does not snag as with other hoses that snag with the cable ties.
It cleans at 600psi so it can atomise the water and make cleaning reasonably quick. It has an 800psi pump infact so you can "overclock " it by turning the adjusting nut behind the casing if you want to clean at a higher pressure.
It has 3 filters in the system that takes the crud out of the water, but the top filter is very fine and can fill up with grease and fluff fairly quickly. But it's no big deal to empty it out, it takes a couple of minutes then the suction is back up again. It says you can recyle the water 8 times but I just change it when I feel it needs it.
I tend to use it for flats where I cannot get my truckmount into the building so I only use it occasionally. If you play around with the presprays and the solutions you can get a good balance..........say Alltec's Ultimate Prespray and Ultimate Master.
The common bitching on this machine is on urine being recirculating in the machine. I fill it, deal with the urine then fill it again.........the customer pays extra for this service as I charge extra for dealing with someone else's body fluids so it's no big deal for me.
I like the wheels on the top as it will slide in and out of the van and if I wanted with my extra length of hose could play at having a van mounted machine and run it from the back of the van!! 8) ;D
The previous person gave me a whole load of microsplitters etc and said it was all she used but I just have never really got on with them as I tend to use a hydroforce and have a rinse agent that mixes from the tank on the van. I suppose you could use that and then use plain water but that's a route I cannot comment on.
All in all it's OK and I like it. Paul Moss has one too - and he's a carpet cleaning god so you are in good company!
Hope this is more helpful that the last post.
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gavyn horton

  • Posts: 7
Re: CFR pro 500 on its way.
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2016, 03:21:33 pm »
Hi tony
thanks for the reply I have done a couple of jobs now really liking the machine had some good feedback from customers . Do you put much defoarmer in the tank.

Tony Stewart

  • Posts: 320
Re: CFR pro 500 on its way.
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2016, 07:35:11 pm »
Hi Gavyn
To be honest no. I have tended to use the Alltec products and Blitz on the odd occasion and they don't seem to foam up. I have the CFR defoamer which I put in when I first used it. Mix it up into a bucket and suck it up with the vacuum.
Remember I come from a truckmount to a portable so I want to carry out the least number of functions to get the job done because to me using a portable is as a last resort and I hate humping stuff out of the van to a flat, so I'm not the best person to ask. If you have someone that has had a go at a stain and left a load of detergent in the carpet then you will see it in the see through perspex connector leading to the tank. If you need it, use it, but I suspect that many portable users do the same. If I am wrong I stand corrected.
Glad you like it, and if the customer is pleased then you have the right machine.
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Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: CFR pro 500 on its way.
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2016, 12:39:02 pm »
Gavyn, you have bought a great machine. I wish 15 years ago I would have bought one. But you learn through experience far more than half the bull poop posts you get off forums.

Paul Moss

  • Posts: 2296
Re: CFR pro 500 on its way.
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2016, 12:40:24 pm »
I don't use the truck now for about 90% of my upholstery jobs, instead I use the cfr machine and hand tool.

gavyn horton

  • Posts: 7
Re: CFR pro 500 on its way.
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2016, 05:51:20 pm »
I have used it now a good couple of times and I am really impressed with it. Can ask do you put much defoarmer in it and what are CFR chemicals like I use world of clean chemicals like M power and SPM.

Tony Stewart

  • Posts: 320
Re: CFR pro 500 on its way.
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2016, 08:13:59 pm »

I struggle with these from solutions. I used SPM but then it would not clean a dirty settee and I got a call back, so dropped it.
I use Citrus Fabric Prespray from Alltec, agitate with a hand mitt and rinse with Ultimate Master.
Carpets Ultimate Prespray and UM in the tank.
If it works for you then stay with it.
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