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john martin

  • Posts: 2699
inline on youtube
« on: September 27, 2016, 12:11:30 am »
wonder what spec his inline heater is ...  and cant figure why the vac hose connects , like there dosnt look to be enough space tankwise for it to be an inline vac booster , so just for neatness ? 
looks like he totally pimped this mini  ,  same guy that did the airflex pro with remore and alarms etc , talanted porty tweeker for sure .


  • Posts: 1292
Re: inline on youtube
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2016, 08:46:30 am »
i spoke to him John about inline heaters. He said he has worked on so many over the years - all the Ashbys and Magma's etc and he has engineered a much better one that gives constant heat. Certainly looks impressive - they come without heat control but for about an extra £50 he can put in a thermo. I spoke to a couple of guys who had them and said they have had no probs and he said if you have any problems you just take it in and he sorts it but with him being in London and i am Midlands i bottled buying one. I think they are about £600 - they look like a beast if they are reliable.

Neil Worsnop

  • Posts: 116
Re: inline on youtube
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2016, 07:59:32 pm »
Would be interested in the pump psi and jet sizes to give an idea of how it compares to my Magma & set up.
Also the air temperature to help judge all that 'steam'.

Looks neat though


  • Posts: 1292
Re: inline on youtube
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2016, 08:01:40 pm »
this was the video i saw a while back of him using one - its by the same guy -