I agree that you need the softer carpet brushes as the general purpose (blue brushes) are good for wood flooring and laminate. The harder black ones are for hard flooring and vinyl/lino. If you use the wrong ones you'll be pulling carpet fibres out of the brushes and the carpet will start to disintegrate. Check with
duplex UK as they only have a limited stock of brush types and when they've sold out they won't be getting any more. They are in Whitstable (which is about as far away as you can get from humanity). I suggest spraying the floor with your cleaner of choice and only using water in the tank with a pull of the trigger every metre or so. Set the switches to no extraction for the first couple of passes or to agitate the whole floor with some water application to stop the floor drying out. Then clean and extract the floor in long stripes in one pass in each direction. For really filthy floors spray and flood scrub the floor first and leave to dwell. The extraction tank is tiny so you'll be emptying it often. After use dismantle the cleaning tank and covers, brushes and rinse. Wipe the rubber belts.
The head office in Australia simply redirect you to the UK dealer.
There are training tips on the
Australian site.
There is certain technique to cleaning hard floors as it takes quite a bit of practice to manage the chemical application level and machine movement. If you get it wrong then you will be chasing lines of soapy residue up and down the floor for ages! There is one technique called the "duplex turn" which is at first difficult to master. This prevents residue lines at the point of turn. You can register for online training courses on the Australian site
The machine is heavier than it looks so I would advise rigging up some kind of trolley.
The machine will do wet scrub, encapsulation and hwe extraction agitation. Don't use it for carpet extraction just chemical application and agitation.
Best of luck.