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duncan h

  • Posts: 1875
round for sale lmao
« on: January 06, 2016, 08:18:34 pm »
Had a laugh at this.......
I have a small window cleaning round in woodside for sale that i usually do on a saturday morning.
There is only £60 there, 10 houses at £5.50-£6.50, i have had these customers for 10 years, and i bought them off the guy i worked for who had them for years before that! Hardly ever end up being owed money on this round, at most you might be owed on 1 or 2 houses. its in a nice quiet part of woodside, all customers are elderly, and like to pay on time, everytime.
This round is ideal for a small team, i got this done in 3 hours on my own, and that was on a saturday morning so wasnt in a rush.
 im looking for 5 cleans - £300 - no offers, this is a great little round and i wont be selling it for less. The only reason im selling is because im changing jobs and have this round left. I was originally going to carry on doing it at weekends but for £300 it can go. Want this wrapping up within a few days so quick sales only, not going to be hanging on a fortnight while you the money, and wont be accepting part payment etc.

"Hardly ever end up being owed money on this round, at most you might be owed on 1 or 2 houses" That's 10 to 20 % :)
"This round is ideal for a small team" Don't think it needs a team for 10 houses :)
3 hours to do 10 houses. He needs to go WFP :)


  • Posts: 16952
Re: round for sale lmao
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2016, 03:45:08 pm »
That did make me laugh selling that amount of work or kind of work and expecting to be paid for it,he should stop a windy in the street and give it to him.

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: round for sale lmao
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2016, 06:45:25 pm »
There are so many contradictions in what he says, that I am wondering if he wrote this while on the sauce.

Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

Joey Eastwood

  • Posts: 400
Re: round for sale lmao
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2016, 12:49:58 am »
I agree selling a £60 round is ridiculous, but 3 hours for £60 Is still £20 an hour to a new starter looking for work he should pass it on and be happy he's done a good deed lol
when life throws you water, clean windows