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  • Posts: 6
shurflo pump problems
« on: January 05, 2016, 01:20:12 pm »
Hi. Jus got over xmas. finally get a nice day. pump wont work.
disconnected both ends. reconnected again. checked everything what needs checking.
got water going into the pump. just won't pump through.
turned up pump controller to the max. water only trickles out one side of the pump.
from what info iv'e been given. seems to be air blocked. how true I don't know.
been trying to sort it all morning. got nowhere.
if air blocked, any info on how to get rid.
Thanks Tony


  • Posts: 14519
Re: shurflo pump problems
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2016, 02:29:24 pm »
Motor runs , yes ?

Connected correctly to the in and out, yes ?

The water thats meant to be going into the pump comes out like what, fast, slow, trickle or is it being asked to suck up ?

Try another feed into the pump to see if your feed is the problem ?
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Don Kee

  • Posts: 4874
Re: shurflo pump problems
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 04:56:42 pm »
Does your pump 'dead end' when you switch your tap off?
If not, its probably an air lock...

Switch your pump on (turn it up a bit)
take the inlet hose out of the hose reel
Lie it on the floor (so its lower than the pump)
Let it run for 30secs - 1 min
Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?

jd services

  • Posts: 113
Re: shurflo pump problems
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2016, 11:40:55 pm »
I had same problem today with a year old pump. It looks like its working and sounds like its working , it has feed, but it's not. It worked from 8.00am till 11 then stopped. Does anyone know of a repair or exchange service for these. i have about 6 that have stopped. Thinking of trying an alternative. Anyone got experience with Gardiner's aquatec? or Streamflow or Propump? Or any other solutions.

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1221
Re: shurflo pump problems
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2016, 09:53:12 am »

There are a number of factors here that could cause this.
Have you got a Pre filter between the tank and Pump?
Have you got a DI on the system?
How old and what is the battery voltage with the pump off And On?
What controller do you have and does it display any information?

Air in the system is a possibility as is a blocked filter. If you have a DI on occasion the resin beads can get into the pump head and jam it. Remove the pump head and have a look. Also over time the pump head can get blocked up with small particles of Swath/Grit from the bottom of a tank.

Leaky Connectors and pin prick holes in the hose can allow air into the system check these are ok.

Low battery voltage or a Worn battery can mean the pump will struggle to draw enough current. Loose and or corroded connections including the fuse holder, Damaged cable,  can significantly reduce current available to the pump.
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  • Posts: 7887
Re: shurflo pump problems
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2016, 05:52:26 pm »
take it off mounting
turn controller to full
rotate pump / tilt pump forward and backwards

had to do this to get a new pump un airlocked last week


Re: shurflo pump problems
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2016, 06:05:24 pm »
If it's not ice it is either air lock or strainer blocked- very much doubt it's the actual pump.

Easiest and fastest way to clear air lock is to put a piece of pipe onto outlet of pump and while the pump is running suck on the pipe with your mouth- this will instantly draw the water through and clear any air lock. ;)

jd services

  • Posts: 113
Re: shurflo pump problems
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2016, 06:46:34 pm »
Airlock it seems on mine. Started working this morning.