Guys thought i would share some ideas i am testing.
i have a article on one of my sites that gets loads of hits, this one article keeps my site high in the town that the site serves. sorry cant give more details than that. but the point is that if you can find just one article that can get hits your site will benefit overall. we are talking worldwide hits.
its not hard to do, here is a test page. (dont click on link if you think this post is self serving for myself) i know your going to say who want people that are interested in cleaning their own sofas? well we dont, but they provide the traffic that will boost your sites overall hit rate.
As far as the information goes it can be as detailed as you like or like mine just thrown together. there is a case for making it detailed as it will show your an expert and how risky it will be to clean it themselves. this boost the professional status of us all. given that you want as many of these types of articles as possible making them as quick as you can is that old see what sticks.
what type of problems do you think people type into Google? milk and soot are two that come to my mind that people would have problems with.