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  • Posts: 1832
Re: Abseiling Window Cleaners
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2015, 06:25:44 pm »
Are you referring to me  ???


Re: Abseiling Window Cleaners
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2015, 06:31:48 pm »
There is only one point to this post. It's to stroke Rhionmans ego. He's getting the response he expected but doesn't actually care about that (most children will tell you any attention is good attention). 

It's an opportunity for him to illustrate to everyone that his business is such a success because of him; yes folks, because of him - the one and only Mr Rhinoocerous, that he can afford to rent a secondhand worn out old bench to put in his back garden.

To bring the thread back on-topic check out Rhinooceros-mans abseiling skills.


I've never come across anyone so attention needy or anyone who loves the sound of his own voice so much in this industry!! The ironic thing is that these voice overs sound like Vic Reeves after Twenty Pints!! ;D


  • Posts: 1832
Re: Abseiling Window Cleaners
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2015, 06:40:48 pm »
I didn't or don't watch the videos, it seems that way tho, I imagine he's constantly bent over with his head between his legs trying his hardest to blow his own trumpet !!!!
Rhino man !!!!!
Rite oh man ....... Get it in there, it feels nice


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Abseiling Window Cleaners
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2015, 01:47:27 pm »
The point is we do NOT do abseiling window cleaning
And we wondered how long it would take to get our first enquiry - even though it was a bench in the movie.

For me it's a bit of fun and definately not one of our better videos - however what I really like to do is think for myself rather than copy the opposition so to speak.

Therefore IF i ever get a call from this video from a potential customer I know that it is not worth spending £1000s on professionally made videos.

How do you lot test your marketing - or do you just copy all of the other window cleaners out there and hope they are doing it right - cos if they are not, then you are wasting your time copying them!

Well that's my thoughts anyway.

Just a quick observation  rhinoman you should not make a vid with someone talking a complete pack of lies as you have now openly admitted on here you don't do this kind of work at all.

I think you are defo one sandwich short of a picnic myself  ;D


Re: Abseiling Window Cleaners
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2015, 05:01:00 pm »
The point is we do NOT do abseiling window cleaning
And we wondered how long it would take to get our first enquiry - even though it was a bench in the movie.

For me it's a bit of fun and definately not one of our better videos - however what I really like to do is think for myself rather than copy the opposition so to speak.

Therefore IF i ever get a call from this video from a potential customer I know that it is not worth spending £1000s on professionally made videos.

How do you lot test your marketing - or do you just copy all of the other window cleaners out there and hope they are doing it right - cos if they are not, then you are wasting your time copying them!

Well that's my thoughts anyway.

Just a quick observation  rhinoman you should not make a vid with someone talking a complete pack of lies as you have now openly admitted on here you don't do this kind of work at all.

I think you are defo one sandwich short of a picnic myself  ;D

I am  ;D

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3931
Re: Abseiling Window Cleaners
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2015, 05:10:30 pm »
There is only one point to this post. It's to stroke Rhionmans ego. He's getting the response he expected but doesn't actually care about that (most children will tell you any attention is good attention). 

It's an opportunity for him to illustrate to everyone that his business is such a success because of him; yes folks, because of him - the one and only Mr Rhinoocerous, that he can afford to rent a secondhand worn out old bench to put in his back garden.

To bring the thread back on-topic check out Rhinooceros-mans abseiling skills.
You have got the purple one down to a T

martin hulstone

  • Posts: 323
Re: Abseiling Window Cleaners
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2015, 01:55:24 pm »
Love the video Rhinoman, you must be doing very well for yourself if you can afford to have Keith Lemmon narrating your video. ;)