Builders cleans are very difficult to get right, all surfaces must be free from dust, paint, marks and dirt, especially in a resturant. The builder seems to know (or thinks he knows!!) what he wants, so I would take him up on it. However, I would make it clear that your hourly charge is at least £20 per hour per man, I would also in writing, inform him that you are giving him an estimate and not a quote, builders are known not to be very good at finishing their projects on time, last minute problems, snagging etc ensures that in 98 times out of a 100, they always struggle to finish! trust me the builders really dont care how difficult they make your life! This ensures that you are paid for every hour that you are on-site, no arguments, and if you do a good job, you will get repeat business from this firm, as good companies whithin this sector are very difficult to find.
As regards to contract cleaning, again it worries me that your contact suggests the cleaning times, has the entire place been fully fitted out?
There are standard times available for each cleaning task, I suggest that you avail yourself of these asap, I would hope that this goes without saying, but you also need to be aware of the costs of staff, insurance, holiday, sick pay etc. If you believe that you can clean the premises on a daily basis within 6 hours, that is 2 cleaners working three hours a day, seven days? I would charge £15 per hour per man.
If the site is for a seven day cleaning cycle, I personally would Have 3 cleaners working 2 hours per day, this would help with holiday/sickness cover and keep yopur own costs down, PAYE etc, hope this helps!
Robert Parry