Hey Guys.
Just swapped over all my hoses from the outside tap going into the van mounted system to microbore instead of ordinary garden hose, as I had some left over. and it's wierd - the resin I thought was on the way out and was slowly rising each week by one each time. Before I swapped the hose over from ordinary garden hose the tds out of the RO was about 7, through the resin came out at 2, but now it's running through microbore it's coming out at 0 from the RO???!
Sure the pressure feels a lot more but have you ever had a 0 from the RO?
My tap TDS at the mo is 117.
I'm really puzzled as I was just about to change the resin.
Tds meter is fine as I've checked a number of different sources?
Cheers all