while building a round recently i got a phone call in which a new customer blamed one of my staff off scratching her window
she was a new customer last time but failed to pay at the last collection for her windows so she would have recived a slip this time for double money you know the scetch
how come they always have a complaint when they are due you cash this realy pxxxses me off
i allways tell my staff on talking on new doors check and see if there are any scratches and point them out esp new builds
these people buy a lovely new house for thousands and the builders dont even have the savey to cover them
they think they have payed for every thing to be brand new and especialy the windows which im sure you have all come across your to blame if they dont snag the house properly ,and if they havent done so in the time scale the builder lays down all fingers seem to point to the window cleaner
it goes something like this you scratched my window you must have picked up a stone in your mop and marked my window
no i did not are you sure it wasent the twat off a rough caster who last year pelted your house with stones as well as half your window ledges frames and glass our could it have been a cleaning lady who only knows how to use a hoover when your house got built in wich the builder gave her a scraper and a extra 20 quid to give the glass a good scrape
and i mean scrape ,
becase i use side kicks so the likley hood off you picking up a dimond coated drive way stone and scraping a scratch in your window the sise off the grand cannyon very remote
now what do u want me to do about it
answer well you were the last at the window it must have been you
when does this poop ever end
ye sure ill just replace all your windows and doors aswell while im at it becase your son smashed his bike in to it but he was at school today and i was last to chap your door so it must be me lol
im running out off steam now any one else ever came across this lol
answers please ...........yours the davis