yes ive employed before just not had it so soon in regars to someone starting we have still not actually cleaned yet hes helped me get up n running this week and has been going rpund chatting to customers explaining whats been going on handing out newsletter with new bank details etc and payment methods
So he has been helping you get up and running, meeting customers, etc. So is he going to be paid for that, or is he free labour until he gets out there cleaning?
Why don't you take some time and work out what the guy's working conditions and contract will entail. When you have worked them out, make a copy of them, meet with your employee, go through them with him and each of you sign them at the same time (ie in your and his presence). Each of you should keep your own copies, then there should be no misunderstandings should a dispute arise in the future. Include such stuff as holiday entitlement/pay/duties/working hours/etc.