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michael robinson

  • Posts: 103
another question on george
« on: July 28, 2014, 03:38:07 pm »
no manual with this thing, I spent ages entering my jobs in and set dates etc. I like the look of it especially in diary look and printed the work out for the week all well, came back today to let the software know that the jobs were done, and it appears I have to enter each job manualy as done from the diary view is this right or is there an easier way to say all the jobs had been done other than manually having to select each job and tick done?.. cheers mike

Roy Harding

  • Posts: 1970
Re: another question on george
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2014, 04:08:29 pm »
In diary view right click first job of the day and select add to whole day, in the list that appears at the bottom left corner of the list screen you will see 3 tick boxes ( all done on due date, all done on this date, and all paid ) tick the box you require and press ok.


michael robinson

  • Posts: 103
Re: another question on george
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 05:49:11 pm »
cheers roy