my point is i have a mortgage, bills, van payments, payments on equipment, insurances, 3 kids, the list goes on & on, its the same for all of us i no.
i was involved in a car accident 4 years ago & the injury has come back big time in my right elbow which needs quite a big opp. it got to the stage of toooo much pain about 8 months ago, the choise was give up w/c or invest in WFP. unfortunatly i invested, even doing trad g/f only will cause the injury to flair up. it may sound like an excuse to some but thats thats your oppinion.
my point also is they (THE WATER COMPANYS & THE GOVERNMENT) or not sorting out the cause of the problem.
THE GOVERNMENT keep giving permision to build more and more houses with out giving any thought to the inter structure to support these houses being biult. Its not just the water, its roads, schools, hospitals, doctors surgeries, the list goes on.
THE WATER COMPANIES They keep putting their charges up each year. If they worried about the leeks that is in the system instead of keep trying to make huge profits they could probably half the water shortage problem.
Combine all these facts together, whats their answer to the problem? Let's ban the user thats paying for it.
Thats what my point is! They are not sorting out the problem. They are just going for the easy target, so it looks as though they are doing something about it.