Hi Matt,you will need a pair of pliers and a knife(not sharp) a normal one you use for eating with will do,then count 2 rows up from the bottom and part the bristles with the knife and you will see that they are in rows,it is the 3rd row you will need to remove but don`t go all the way to the ends of the brush you should remove exactly 16 bristles in 1 perfect row before they start to go off line and then remove 2 bristles above where you stop on the long row at the ends,to remove them just pull them out with the pliers making sure you pull them from the very bottom of the bristle where they are fixed in the head,then you will be able to place your jets where you need them,
now for the fitting for the thread to pole,it is best to use the addaptors i supply one for the brush and one for the pole,
heres a couple pics of how it should look,Gaz