I have found to my cost that using pasanger carying vehicles even as a general runabout is a shore way to get scratched bumpers and stained upolstery.
Paul, I agree completely. Carrying goods is a sure way to guarantee wear and tear to any vehicle.
However, my points are that
1)you will get back much more money when you sell a 5 year old, high mileage car, even with scratched bumpers and stained upholstery (and we can clean upholstery, can't we?) than when you sell a 5 year old, high mileage van, with equally scratched bumpers and tatty interior
2)staff will prefer a car to a van, as they can use it at weekends with the family
3)if you are buying second hand, a 3 year old car is usually much better looked after than a 3 year old van
4)the car version has nicer seats, electric windows, tinted glass, does not use any more fuel, is often cheaper to insure, and comes in a much wider range of colours
No good for a truck mount though