Hi. i started car valeting part time last year, after personal problems i put it on hold but have decided to go full time this year, i have all the gear and alos have started pressure washing. been practicing etc, ordered 10k leaflets. got 2 websites built
This is mainly related to pressure washing because with valeting the prices im charging wont be worth travelling too far for.
Now i know a lot of you guys get work off your websites, so im wondering is it better to stick to the local area or using adwords target a much wider area say 100 mile radius? ideally i would get most of my work from the web rather than leaflets im sure it would be cheaper but just wonderd what everyone else does with regards distance?
For example, say i got an enquiry 100 miles away, i add on the extra fuel costs and extra time travelling etc and quote a higher price to compensate, if i dont get the job i dont get it and maybe i wont make as much as i like, but money is money at least whilst i get more established right?
alternative is leaflet distribution locally which is quite expensive, i can obv canvass business locally as well.
cheers adam