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C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Yeah, saw all the "crap" mate. No idea why you post it though. ???
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 17015
I am depressed now a few pages back it was booze and drugs. I am doing fine and my business are doing just fine thanks. So stop trying to make me into someone I am not. If I say anything you bunch think is a joke to be ridiculed. Well I don`t need that so I will stop entertain you.   Just read back all the absolute crap that has been written about me. I ask a simple question and now all this crap. Just read back and see the crap.

Sorry mate, you didn't ask a simple question. A simple question is 'where's the best place to buy xxxx and what price should I pay' or similar.

Your question made no sense, your replies made no sense, the whole topic makes no sense and in short, if you think that those who have a genuine interest in what you posted, and have tried to post constructively, and you deem the replies 'crap', then to my mind you are a mind game playing arrogant idiot.
Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.

James Bulton

I ask a question all I get is a personal abuse.Like you have just done eg. mind game playing arrogant idiot. Could you be more personal. No one has asked me to clarify my question,its straight to the insults and a discussion about weather I am drunk or on drugs or am I mentally sane, in a mans face which leads to defending my self.Its not easy when you get it from all sides.Taking the mick is not so great when you are on the receiving all the time.Some times this forum is awash with rude bullies.It just takes one to start and you all like a bunch of  hyenas with a mass attack in a cowardly manner.When you don`t grasp the question take the mick is the next agenda. Its quite correct as some said on here you are the lowest of the low not my words. Any way I will not respond to anything anymore. I just don`t need this crap.


  • Posts: 9022
Sorry mate you will have to ask someone else as I am not going to bother writing on this forum anymore. Might read but no write.Cheers.

you didn't last long did you  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4874
Its amazing the thickness of so many cannot see the forest for the trees.Tosh how did you become a mod Oo no one else wanted the job.

Because you're full of conpliments mate....
Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?


  • Posts: 25154
O K will tell you. If we just sang from the same sheet. If we just told our customers the same thing when getting the same questions. I was reading the Lee Burbridge`s thread and the explanation to cleaning window in the rain. If we all used just that as a basic answer to cleaning in the rain we would eliminate that myth. But we are all to busy been individuals and trying to get one over the next that we miss  golden opportunities by not wanting to be in unison with anyone. Because we all think we are the smartest thing around. Its done by so many professionals but why not by us. Just chat to a mortgage consultant and you will see the harmony in there industry.Doctors do it, even politicians do it. But windys NO we are to smart for unity.

The problem is Smithie, that even if you could herd the bunch of cats on here to do as you suggest then you must realise that "we" are just a small minority of all the window cleaners in the UK.

It's like getting a dozen MP's to unite and decide to act in a united moral, upright decent way - you've still got over 600 doing things differently in what they think is a united moral decent way - plus a couple of dozen others who will tread on others to get what they want.

Don't get so wound up! It's only the internet.
It's a game of three halves!

Tom White

The problem is Smithie,

You should've been an officer in the army, Gold, you didn't need to use any more words after 'Smithie'.

The problem with Smithie is he looks outwards and blames everything/one external to him for the way he is/feels, yet won't/can't see the problem is in the other direction.


  • Posts: 6100
There's a repetitive pattern with your posts Smithie.
You ask a question, add a bit of arrogance into the mix insulting other members, and then cry off that you are being bullied.
It's childish.
One of the Plebs

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Smithie, you didn't pose a simple question. You wanted to pontificate again and started it in the form a condescending question. You didn't want our thoughts and views, you wanted to give us the answer; your answer.
You say we should all sing from the same hymn sheet but it has to be your hymn sheet or you start to sulk.
You want to change the general perception of window cleaning but it doesn't worry me or many others, so we might indulge in a bit of micky taking but you can't handle this.
And you shouldn't judge someone by the job they do, but you seem to, because you have a problem with it.
Look after yourself,  Smithie, that's all you can do.

James Bulton

Thank all to all you nice gentlemen for your kind words.But there is no need i have developed a thick skin on here. I am sorry that I defended my self when I was taken the ppp of and spoke out when I was verbally attacked. I also am sorry that I cannot put my story forward in an except fable fashion and that my motives are so construed. I obviously do things in a way that offend so many of you. This is not done intentionally I am just as baffled as you are at the response I raise, but its not really my intention. I think it would be best for me and you that I keep my thoughts to my self as they have no value to any on here, if they create such drama. I will not be contributing to this forum is future but will only read as the large majority do. So I will NOT be closing my account. I am sure this post will attract another avalanche of bile. Heart moving etc. But so be it.
P.S Thanks to the few chaps like Spruce that really did understand and even defended me at times and were I am coming from.

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
I think it would be best for me and you that I keep my thoughts to my self as they have no value to any on here, if they create such drama. I will not be contributing to this forum is future but will only read

Sorry mate you will have to ask someone else as I am not going to bother writing on this forum anymore. Might read but no write.Cheers.

That's at least twice you've posted that you're not going to post anymore. Are you waiting for someone to beg you to post? What a drama queen  ??? From all the posters on here, you've been the most arrogant and condescending, moaning plonker I've seen for a long time. It's hard for members to understand your posts because of lack of effort from you to post properly. Check what you've scrawled on the screen before hitting the "post" button. Words are hacked up, have no relevance to the sentence and are poorly spelled.
I'm not a grammar NAZI by any means, but a lot of the flak you get is from the poor way you post, without any effort to clear points that have been mis-understood.
Don't know what you did before you ended up cleaning windows, but it can't have been anything to do with communication with other people  ???

It's easy to see you have a poor opinion of window cleaners in general, and your self in particular, and you're being offensive to your fellow windies. Maybe if you had a break from this trade, and went toff to do a "better" way of earning a crust, you'd be able to settle down.

Be sure to let us know how you get on in whatever you get into in the time you're away and no longer posting on here. I'll look forward to reading your progress.

Hope you're not too miffed,    Byyyeee
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 9022
cozy say it has it is ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 17015
I ask a question all I get is a personal abuse.Like you have just done eg. mind game playing arrogant idiot,its straight to the insults and a discussion about weather I am drunk or on drugs or am I mentally sane, in a mans face which leads to defending my self.Its not easy when you get it from all sides.Taking the mick is not so great when you are on the receiving all the time.Some times this forum is awash with rude bullies.It just takes one to start and you all like a bunch of  hyenas with a mass attack in a cowardly manner.When you don`t grasp the question take the mick is the next agenda. Its quite correct as some said on here you are the lowest of the low not my words. Any way I will not respond to anything anymore. I just don`t need this crap.

If you read back I was not straight onto the insults at all. If you read what you posted it's basically unintelligible and lends itself to the results.

Sorry if this is insulting or rude, but what you post, and what you complain of as a result of what you post, and then how you reply, is a self fulfilling prophesy.

What you think of me is your prerogative, and you may be right about me, just as what I type is my choice alone and not yours to decide for me.
Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.