I go for new builds big time.I must say I do like them so no bleeding old wood frames.But there are few things you need to know.
1) they do not know if they can afford a window cleaner until they are there a few months, so canvass and go back in few months later and re canvass again when they find out they can afford the windows cleaned.Most windy will canvass once and say they have not cash.( big mortgage)
2 They might only come on board when the builds clean starts to look shabby.
3 Chat to every one in the area were ever you can. So you become a household name.
4 don`t take no for a answer as they will come around with time. I ring the door bell and give them a card with all the local phone numbers eg doctors no. council , hospital no.etc and with my number as well on.This is my excuse to chat to them again.I also make a" DO NOT DISTURB" with my phone number door hanger ,and tell them I clean quietly while they sleep, for those I disturb doing night shift.I am just Mr Nice guy.