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  • Posts: 1821
Thomas Higgins.
« on: January 19, 2014, 03:38:12 pm »
I've just started to take action against a customer who owes £40. So far she had a Letter Before Action from TH and I've not received nothing in the form of payment or contact from her.

However, I've realized that I may have used the wrong surname for her. She is known as Howes in our records but Lawrence in her email address.

Does this make any difference regarding pursuing the case? I mean if a letter has arrived for her under the name of Lawrence and she has since married she may be thinking she can avoid payment ona technicality.

Opinions please.


  • Posts: 3553
Re: Thomas Higgins.
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2014, 03:55:49 pm »
Im not sure you would be best off ringing TH but from my past experiance the name does have to be "correct"

Am pretty certain you can change the name on the next stage of court action anyway.. as it asks you to type the name again.. and i am also pretty certain it wont go to court so just do it matt  :)

Ive sent about 8-9 letters over 10 years i have probably proceeded with three with court action all have paid within a day or so once they get the court instructions through the door and adds £65 onto there bill..  ;D .. you would lose £15.00 .. buy hay £25 back is better than nothing.


  • Posts: 1821
Re: Thomas Higgins.
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 03:59:10 pm »
I am going to call TH tomorrow. Just wanted to get some feelers.


  • Posts: 2162
Re: Thomas Higgins.
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2014, 04:18:30 pm »
Sorry to hijack Matt 😋 but does anyone have a template letter for late payers please??

Email to

Thanks inadvance