Of course she'd say that, so would you and so would I. I wouldn't be surprised about it Richard, she's defending herself.
I wonder what's gone wrong in her life. Perhaps she stole it because she was bored and got up one day and said to herself 'Feck it, I'm bored, I think I'll go screw Richard Isparkle over for a couple of K and wash my own sorry life down the pan'.
Or perhaps there's an underlying issue you're not aware of that drove her to it. Where she felt she didn't have a choice. I guess we'll never know. Least she won't do time. Not for that measly amount. It's only a weeks profit anyway

I remember when I was turned over to the tune of £1000 about 3 years ago. Company went down the pan. They would have known what was happening with the company finances months before they caved in. Why did they get me in to do their internals and external builders clean on the place knowing poor little of' Matt wouldn't be getting his hard earned money?
That's criminal too isn't it?
I wouldn't worry about it Richard, you'll survive, dust yourself down, pick yourself up and be grateful your not driven to that for whatever reason. Life's too short.