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Re: Vans being stolen - precautions
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2014, 10:21:32 am »
All my gear is getting a bit old now so i dont think anyone would want to steel it. I have had a small sporty steering wheel fitted to my van, with a quick release centre nut. So i take the steering wheel with me on my back. So if you see anyone driving a van without a steering wheel. ITS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice one  :D very Mr Bean ! ;D
My van is 11 years old and only a very basic diy set up , so I don't really have any worries, but how about getting window stickers made for would be thieves so they assume you have a fancy tracking device fitted ? would they still take the risk ?


Re: Vans being stolen - precautions
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2014, 10:34:39 am »
Van signage will put a lot of potential thieves off as it draws attention to the van
and would make it easier to spot.
A steering lock that clips on and off quickly this will slow a thief down and maybe give you
enough time to get back to the van before its taken.
Don't use your van as a run around if you can avoid it, its more likely to get stolen when unattended
in shopping centres and similar places.
If you can remove valuable poles and equipment when parked up at night at least the insurance
will cover the lose of the van but might not replace all of your equipment.
Don't take the attitude that you hear on this forum at times ( Iv been working for years with my van doors
unlocked with no problems) sooner or later everybody's luck can run out it only needs to happen once.
And by the way if you where a thief on the prowl would you be targeting council estates or well to do areas.
Thieves can strike anywhere.

Dominic Carnell

  • Posts: 69
Re: Vans being stolen - precautions
« Reply #62 on: January 06, 2014, 11:44:54 am »
Take out the fuse for the fuel pump.