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  • Posts: 1069
Swisher Washroom Services
« on: March 28, 2006, 09:16:25 am »
Did a job where these guys were working yesterday, santising the washooms/toilets bringing them up to spec.

They did a fantastic job I must say and they are now on a contract that means they call in  weekly.

Any of you chaps work for these or have dealings with them, its a useful contact to have.


  • Posts: 62
Re: Swisher Washroom Services
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2006, 03:02:25 pm »
i haven't had any contact business wise but have seen their products in restaurant toilets etc. The things i have seen spray out a wonderful smell whenever the main door to the washroom is opened. i think the last one i saw was watermelon !! so yes i agree the product is very nice.  :D


Re: Swisher Washroom Services
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2006, 03:51:48 pm »
I used Swisher once for about 6 months on a 7 day a week contract ( Swisher came in and did just the toilets and urinals once per week ). They did a fantastic job but they are expensive. They didn't use any fancy equipment, just chemicals and rubber gloves!! The loo's always looked like new after they had finished.

I would use them again on this type of work, but don't feel they are needed every week, if they would agree to once per month I would use them more, but our local chap wants a weekly visit at the least.