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Water shortage? Huh!
« on: March 09, 2006, 10:37:29 am »
It rained quite heavy most of yesterday, and today looks the same. 
I cannot convince my domestic customers to let me clean the windows in the rain.  They just won't have it.
Anyway, not many miles from me is Fenland, a vast area that is low lying, virtually sea level.  It has been drained since Roman times, if not earlier.  Fresh water!  Hundreds of thousands if not millions of gallons a day!  Most of which goes....where do you think?  Back to the sea, via the river Great Ouse.
They should put a meter on that and charge the water companies involved, and distribute the money to the poor.

Better still, why don't they store it in reservoirs????
Some is recycled, but most just washed away!

Anyway, what was I saying?.....

Hmmmm...still raining......cuppa time...more water...

Too much tea...making me ramble....
That's an interesting word...ramble.... .


Re: Water shortage? Huh!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 01:06:04 pm »
I cannot convince my domestic customers to let me clean the windows in the rain.  They just won't have it

I know what you mean i tried it and all i got was complaints.
None of the other window cleaners near me work in the rain i think thats why they complained and had a few threaten to cancell.
So now i don't clean windows in the rain anymore.
But i have started taking gutter cleaning jobs on and only do these when it rains.
The only thing is i ran out of these last week.
So today i got some done this morning but its raining now but the minute it stops i will be back out even if its only to get 1 done as thats better than none.


steve k

Re: Water shortage? Huh!
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2006, 01:36:27 pm »
been out all week in the rain...just come home for something to eat and then back out is raining!!

The bills need paying...if I never worked in the rain, I would have had no income for the last 2 weeks or chance!!

NOT ONE person has mentioned the rain to me whiule I have been working...if they want a regular service, they are getting one ;D

Re: Water shortage? Huh!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2006, 02:23:08 pm »
same as that steve, my customers are allright about it as i say i provide a regular service and the windows are still clean after, even if they stay wet.
you cant be ground to a halt just because the sky leaks.
i dont , however clean when the rain is being blown sideways, but only cos i dont like getting soaked!

Re: Water shortage? Huh!
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 03:33:28 pm »
When you take on a new customer tell them that you work in the rain. Tell them that you wouldnt do it when its really raining cats and dogs  but there is a limit because you do a regular service. Also when a customer asks you to clean the inside of the conservatory (normaly when its really hot) say you will do it in the rain. It always works for me.
As with the gutter cleans in the rain, well I tried that one year. I found that although you are earning you are getting soaked not just by the rain but also by the over spill of the gutters and half of it ends up over you. It also took me longer to clean them out.


Re: Water shortage? Huh!
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 02:50:23 pm »
never thought to tell the customer about doing inside conservatory when raining-bloody good idea! i always get soaked with sweat when im doing them as the sun gets quite fierce inside one of them!

marc al

Re: Water shortage? Huh!
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2006, 09:08:15 pm »
  I just carry on as normal and dont mention the fact that it is raining, haven't had one complaint, people just say "I wouldn't want your job today", then laugh as though they are the first to say it.

   If it is raining when I get up it doesn't take much persuading to stay home.
