We hit the same area every 12-13 weeks with an offer that lasts 4 weeks, gotta have an offer and a deadline. We now find people call to ask when the leaflet with the offer is coming. Best thing about doing it this way is all the work is in the same area, so limited travel, often less than 5 mins between jobs, so you can fit an extra job in the day and increase your per van average. We also found that adding local comments/testimonials to the leaflet, and refreshing them each drop if possible, makes a massive difference. If you have 6-8 testimonials from people in the same area as the leaflet is going that really helps. Also try to use unusual family names, so if you have a Mrs LeVoigiere (not sure f that's spalt reyt) then chances are people in Thorne will Know her as it's an unusual name, if that makes sense. We also do a small A6 notepad as a '5 around' and dropping these when doing the jobs in those areas you've leafleted again just adds to the number of times people are exposed to YOU in the area. This builds you as THE cleaner who is always seen in the area as it has a drip drip effect.
It also drives repeat work too as we also mailshot all our existing clients in that same area at the same time as the leaflet is going out saying the leaflet is in the area, the offer is XYZ and a bonus for you is free spotter product (or whatever), so they are exposed to us twice. We do have people say they had our letter, forgot to call, then got the leaflet which reminded them again. This also works well if you mailshot your clients who are in the small villages local to where you are dropping the leaflets, as these villages often don't get leaflets, so it's an excuse for you to write to them. Say something like "We know you don't get our offer leaflet, but didn't want you to miss out, so here's the offer that's on that leaflet..." Again this generates jobs in the same local area, reducing travel and costs. We try to focus and target the marketing to maximise return and reduce spend on marketing cost and fuel/vehicle costs.
It does take time to build a successful campaign, but it's worth it in my opinion.