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  • Posts: 563
Stimvac Toto
« on: March 03, 2006, 07:27:44 pm »
Hello there i wondered if i could ask for a bit of advise please, im considering a back-up machine and have been offered a stimvac toto (due to buy tommorow) i wondered if anyone had used these and could suggest if they are ok as a back up or  for occasional work, the model has Viton seals and can run solvents as well as water.  I spoke to an experienced carpet cleaner earlier who didnt reckon much to them so i wonder what everyone else thought?

Many thanks

Steve Chapman

  • Posts: 1743
Re: Stimvac Toto
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2006, 10:14:56 pm »
I don't know about the toto, but i had a stimvac machine some years ago and it gave me nothing but problems and didn't seem to be upto the job, especially the pump, a bit of a mickey mouse affair that eventually broke down and leaked.

Don't want to put you off but i would think very carefully as there are many decent machines available as a backup, and you need one that is easy to get the parts for!