I did about 8 flats on a run down council block just yesterday, they are all regulars.
One guy I had not seen before came up and asked me how much I was charging,
told him and he was happy paid me there and then, said he had been away for some time (I'd been cleaning there about 5 years) but he was happy to go regular and said he's good for the money everyone knows him there ! (I'm not jumping to any conclusions ha
Any way they were minging, frames were black
He came out 10 mins later, offered me a cup of tea and another tenner, saying sorry mate I did'nt realise how filthy they were !
Andy M, any chance you've read this wrong.?
Am presuming you have a sign written van and regard yourself as professional, maybe she has seen your van (is close to where you live) has looked you up and doing her friend a favour, by proper person she means a professional legit business.
...........Just a thought