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  • Posts: 12
Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« on: February 23, 2006, 03:00:34 pm »
I find this site extremely helpful but after trawling through some of the history I've been unable to find an answer to my question. Any help advice is obviously appreciated.
Could someone please tell me if there are any training courses perhaps leading to a recognised qualification, that would be useful when workin in both domestic and commercial kitchen cleaning.
Many Thanks


Re: Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2006, 04:44:43 pm »
Take a look here......................

Bics are the industries recognised authority on training. You will find something on that site and I believe I'm right in saying that in the 'shop' section you can buy training manuals.


  • Posts: 42
Re: Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 07:46:01 pm »
As CMS has stated the Biccs have for many years been the standard in which all exams are set, however the new and most common are now the NVQ level 1 and Level 2 in cleaning. The level 1 consists of 10 items which to most pros seem basics but to our staff they are the basics that they need, they consist of things such as basic polishing, vacuuming, cleaning toilets, etc, once this has been achieved then they can go for level 2 which are the likes of stripping and sealing, carpet cleaning etc, each made of 10 tasks.

Level1 is payable in full with no grants available

Level 2, it is possible  to get a full government grant but there are a few conditions to be met.

These courses can be booked through your local college currently we use rossendale college as we are near blackburn in the north west, the couses can be split into small 1 or two sessions for an hour or 2 and can be done on the employees site of work, the courses last for 25hrs for stage 1 and the same for stage 2.

The biccs exams are more basic couses and can at the request of the college be run along side the NVQ exams this way the staff member is certified in both.

One thing that must be remembered when taking into consideration which course to attend is that even though the biccs is the most well known, the NVQ will in the future be as popular and the number 1 choice for people looking for these type of courses.

Hope this helps, try your local college maybe they can help

regards The Solar Team

Re: Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2006, 07:57:48 pm »
…Level1 is payable in full with no grants available

Level 2, it is possible to get a full government grant but there are a few conditions to be met…
I think grants could be available for both NVQ levels, a Business Link adviser told me that they can help with it.  I am not aware of condition…  Location may also be important…

Here is info from B-skill, which provides training in Newcastle for NVQ 1 and NVQ 2

Kind regards,


  • Posts: 42
Re: Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2006, 08:11:10 pm »
I have just looked at their prices £900.00 per person????????????????????????????????

We pay £93.00 for the same couse for level 1 with the college

Its as bad as learning direct my one of my collegues recently paid them £1000.00 FOR A BOOKKEEPING COURSE he learns more doing a bit of invoiceing in the office and gets paid for it.

regards The solar tem

Re: Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2006, 08:17:38 pm »
...We pay £93.00 for the same couse for level 1 with the college...

I would not bother to ask for grant,  ::), but £900 is a lot of money...


  • Posts: 42
Re: Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2006, 08:57:48 pm »
When you have ove 40 staff then i bet you would

regards Solar

Re: Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2006, 09:46:51 pm »
When you have ove 40 staff then i bet you would

regards Solar

 ;D I am not even near that number ;D


  • Posts: 42
Re: Training, Qualifications in Cleaning
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2006, 06:42:19 am »
Even if you are a sole trader or a big company you should always be looking at the overall costs, a few years ago i would have looked at it as you do, its not worth bothering, but when you look at the overall picture and you add up all the money that has been wasted, whether it be, advertising, things you have bought or jobs you have missed out on, the yearly cost is quite startling, this course might only be £90.00 or so but that is £90.00 in my pocket, and what have i done for it, filled in a bit of paperwork, gone on a course, and become qualified.

If you work out how many hours your cleaners have to be out to make you a proft of £90.00, i bet you would claim the grant.

regards Solar