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  • Posts: 534
« on: April 27, 2013, 07:56:20 am »
Had a phone call about being in a magazine called blue light magazine they say its to do with the police it costs 300 its all bull there's no magazine they wipe your bank account so be aware there called signa lucky didn't give it also they will keep sending you debt letters

Mike #1

  • Posts: 4668
Re: con
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2013, 08:05:15 am »
Had a similar thing here in County Durham twice in past 6 months they must think people are stupid . Mike


  • Posts: 25168
Re: con
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2013, 08:06:27 am »
Thanks for the reminder - "they" also do a "fire service" scam; "rescue helicopter fund" scam "Ambulance service scam". Etc etc.

Often emanate from the Lancashire area.

Scum. I mean Scam.
It's a game of three halves!


Re: con
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2013, 08:09:16 am »
I like it best when you have paid them nowt and they threaten legal action. Ah, such fun.

robert mitchell

  • Posts: 1993
Re: con
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2013, 08:14:18 am »
Yep , tried it on me too.

 If they threaten  legal action just ignore it , they wont carry it through.

They have been doing this scam for years but never leave enough evidence for the police to prosecute .

The man who never made a mistake never made anything.

Richard Shepherd

  • Posts: 311
Re: con
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2013, 08:54:35 am »
Had same for RSPCA, rang me every day for about a week threatening they were sending debt collectors.

Told em to p##s off each time and eventually they got the message :)

Dave Willis

Re: con
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2013, 09:02:11 am »
I've had another one - who ever it is picks the local Doctors Surgery to you and they try to sell you advertizing space on the tv in the waiting room.
I've also had the 'local' golf cubhouse offering the same deal from the same person.

Strange thing is neither Surgery they mentioned have a tv.


  • Posts: 6100
Re: con
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2013, 09:04:30 am »
I wonder why the pick on us window cleaners?  >:(
Izzit becoz they fink we iz fick?  ;D
One of the Plebs


  • Posts: 9268
Re: con
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2013, 09:08:44 am »

seeing as they seem to leave us carpet cleaners alone........  :o :o

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Everyday this forum slips further from God.  :'(

mick hay

  • Posts: 1072
Re: con
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2013, 10:03:05 am »
I've had another one - who ever it is picks the local Doctors Surgery to you and they try to sell you advertizing space on the tv in the waiting room.
I've also had the 'local' golf cubhouse offering the same deal from the same person.

Strange thing is neither Surgery they mentioned have a tv.

They put the tv in the surgery, but its up to the surgery to turn it on!!! A lot dont bother

I used to be in "support advertising" i.e. the advertising in emergency services wallplanners, mags etc.

I was the sales director for a big company in Manchester. What started out as a legit business got abused, and others started up there own.

The business itself is very profitable, but greed overtook the legit side, and some owners became millionaires out of it.

The people still at it are really chancers as its really died a death now. Many are banned from being directors and some even ended up in jail.

I was director for this company until i found out they were abusing the business. This fella was a decent bloke, but, greed took hold!!!


Re: con
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2013, 10:41:23 am »
I have had these con artists trying on a couple of times, and I reported it to police as the con firm were claiming to represent the Met . . . . but I was told by police there was nothing they could do, and to report them to trading standards !


Re: con
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2013, 12:18:08 pm »
Quote from:
If your business is called out of the blue about a "charity" advert, here's some advice from the Insolvency Service:

DON'T agree to place an advert over the telephone unless you are absolutely happy with the publisher with whom you are dealing and what you are being offered.

DON'T speak to them unless you've got time to ask all the questions you want.

DON'T agree to something to get rid of them - you could be making a binding agreement.

DON'T take their word for it that you have placed an order previously or that someone in your organisation has agreed to take an order- this is a ploy used by some companies to trick you.

DO make it clear in ALL telephone calls that you are NOT placing an order - they often record the second "confirmation" phone call - this is carefully worded to sound like you are agreeing to the order even if you have just requested further information.

DO insist on seeing written details and a copy of the publisher's full terms and conditions before placing an order.

DO ask them some detailed questions about the publication (a suggested list of questions is below).

DO get details including the number of any charity mentioned and check this with the Charity Commission at .

DO get them to send you an example of a publication they have produced with details of its circulation - if they refuse DON'T agree to go any further.

DO make a record of all contact with these companies - time, date of calls, person you spoke to, what they said etc.

DO make sure all your staff know about this advice on dealing with these cold callers and to be aware of unsolicited invoices.

DON'T feel guilty - there are other ways of giving to charity.

If in doubt DO find your LOCAL Trading Standards at .

Questions you should ask - but only if you're interested in placing an advertisement:

What is your name and contact number?

Where did you get my telephone number/ address from?

What is the name / address of the company / organisation you are calling from?

What is the name, address, and telephone number of the company producing the publication?

What organisation is the publication produced for?

If this is a charity, get details of the number and check it with the Charity Commission.

If this is an emergency service get the details of which one in which area.
Who is the contact at that organisation?

How does the charity or emergency service benefit?

What proportion of my fee goes to the charity / emergency service?

What is the name of the publication?

What type of publication is it?

When will it be published?

How many copies of the version containing my advert will be produced?

How and where will these be distributed?

How can I get hold of a copy?

What to do if you're being pursued for payment for an advert you didn't agree to place:

DON'T be pressurised into paying for an advertisement you haven't agreed to.

DO write to the company outlining your version of events, copying any paperwork and clearly stating you dispute their claim for payment and ask for a copy of any recordings the company intends to rely on as evidence for the contract.

DO let the company know that you are aware that only a Court can decide if a contract exists and if you are liable for the debt. Only a Court can enforce a disputed debt and instruct bailiffs. Debt collectors cannot attempt to collect payment by taking direct action such as seizing goods.

DO take independent legal advice if you are in any doubt.

DO ask them under section 11 of the Data Protection Act 1998 to cease processing your personal details (i.e. address and telephone number) for direct marketing purposes. This should stop them being passed on to other similar companies.


  • Posts: 1195
Re: con
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2013, 02:41:54 pm »
I had one yesterday told them  ;. to xxx off , they said so I take as no


Re: con
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2013, 05:32:35 pm »
I got stung a very long time ago by a company called 118 trades never ever again .

This was in 2005 when I started up a plastering and tiling business made a massive mistake
Of agreeing to advertise in the "book " for trades men that get delivered to affluent areas
It all looked lejit and they sent me lejit paperwork and copies of a book from other apparent areas they distributed the books to .
Got stung for about £700 .

Now I won't ever be stung again I learnt the hard way .


  • Posts: 1511
Re: con
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2013, 06:20:10 pm »
another nuisance one is The Foresters ,a gentle voiced oldie calls up mentioning disabled children,  I dunno if its in the same league as the blue light but they sure are pests

I find its best to simply say "I don't do that sort of thing"

or "im skint,fiscally challenged ,no money here"    they usually follow it up with you can pay later,6 months later,at that point I get nasty .