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  • Posts: 563
Heating up Prespay
« on: March 04, 2006, 06:17:21 pm »
Hello there, quick question for you all , Do you ever heat up you prespray?

Ive heard that there are definate advantages to heating chemicals (within guidlines obviously) as they are usualy more "active" when used at higher temperatures, so it would make perfect sense to heat the prespay which can then do more work duing the dwell period.  If people use this method i assume its just a case of adding hot water when mixing up the prespray??, sorry if this seems a daft question but im a complete newbie and have never heard anyone mention heating up prespay only the solutions that are run through a machine.

Your thoughts will be as allways very welcomed.

Many thanks



  • Posts: 1108
Re: Heating up Prespay
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2006, 06:23:41 pm »
Use the Prespray at the same temp as you would your cleaning solution.

I was taught that when cleaning carpets you have to use T.A.C.T!!

Time (Dwell)

If you increase any you can give less to the others ie High Temperature less Dwell time and visa versa.
I get better looking each day!!

Re: Heating up Prespay
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 07:48:58 pm »
Just bung the sprayer in a bucket of hot water? I am new to CC but surely any cleaning solution works better warm than cold (except maybe ice on chewing gum 8) )

If we follow T A C T to its logical end, we can ignore Temperature, Use no Agitation or Chemicals.........

If we wait enough Time, will the carpet clean itself ;D ;D

Or am I dreaming of a perfect world :D