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putting prices up
« on: February 27, 2006, 11:24:57 pm »
is anyone putting prices up this april?
I could do with increasing the prices of the lonstanding clients who have been with me from the start, to the current price my new clients pay. its only £1 per hour.
How should i do his?
What reasons can i put on the letter, and how shold i word it??

Thanks for your help

Paul Coleman

Re: putting prices up
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2006, 06:42:09 am »
is anyone putting prices up this april?
I could do with increasing the prices of the lonstanding clients who have been with me from the start, to the current price my new clients pay. its only £1 per hour.
How should i do his?
What reasons can i put on the letter, and how shold i word it??

Thanks for your help

Below I have pasted in the wording from a document I made up when I last increased prices (with my contact details omitted)..  Feel free to use/adapt any of the wording as you wish.  Please note that pasting the document into this message causes it to lose its formatting.


   Dear Customer,

   In order to maintain a viable service, it has become necessary for me to increase most prices as from my next visit.  In some cases I have not increased my prices for a number of years.  Although I appreciate that the official inflation rate has been consistently low for some time, the actual increases in the costs of running a small business have been rather higher.

   Therefore, from my next visit, I propose an increase in price for the window cleaning to:


   I believe that this figure represents fair value and I understand that it compares reasonably with other window cleaners who are also running a proper business (as opposed to window cleaners who only show up a few times then disappear).

   Thank you for your custom.

Best wishes   "

Paul Coleman

Re: putting prices up
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2006, 06:43:43 am »
Oops.  I just noticed that this is the general cleaning section rather than the window cleaning section.  No matter.  The stuff in my previous post still holds true.

Re: putting prices up
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2006, 07:47:49 am »
Oops. I just noticed that this is the general cleaning section rather than the window cleaning section. No matter. The stuff in my previous post still holds true.

It is a very short notice, I am afraid.  We give such letters at least one month before the increase.   Your customer should have an opportunity to find an alternative provider of service.

Kind regards,

Paul Coleman

Re: putting prices up
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2006, 08:06:41 am »
Oops. I just noticed that this is the general cleaning section rather than the window cleaning section. No matter. The stuff in my previous post still holds true.

It is a very short notice, I am afraid.  We give such letters at least one month before the increase.   Your customer should have an opportunity to find an alternative provider of service.

Kind regards,

Hi Arthur.  Bear in mind that I mistakenly believed that I was on the window cleaning section when I wrote my original response.  Window cleaning is usually carried out much less frequently than general cleaning.  Window cleaning with me is carried out at 6 weekly intervals.  This effectively gives 6 weeks notice if someone wants to go elsewhere for their service.  Do you feel that this is sufficient notice or would a longer period be more appropriate do you think?

Re: putting prices up
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2006, 08:32:17 am »
...  Do you feel that this is sufficient notice or would a longer period be more appropriate do you think?

To me six weeks is more than enough. ::)

Kind regards,


Re: putting prices up
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2006, 10:00:03 am »
thanks guys
I'm not sure i should mention the proper business part, might make me sound like i'm not a proper biz, my reverse psychology is coming out lol



  • Posts: 824
Re: putting prices up
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2006, 10:46:27 am »
Hi Lisa

This is my format, just fill in the blanks, hope it helps.


Ref:  Price Increase

Due to economics and the increase in minimum wage it is now necessary to increase the prices of our services, although (your company name) currently pay our Employees above the minimum wage, (in keeping with the regions average and for quality reasons), we are increasing wages to stay ahead of legislation and ensure our high standards are continually met, this along with the increase in chemical prices and travel costs have pushed costs up by ?%.

(your compny name) will meet some of this increase, however we have no option but to pass on ?% of these costs.

Your weekly invoice is currently £..... this will now be £...... per week from (date).

If you have any questions on this matter please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely 


Re: putting prices up
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2006, 11:01:15 am »
thanks fox!
very helpful  :)
should i be sending the letters as of now in time for april do you think?


  • Posts: 824
Re: putting prices up
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2006, 11:03:37 am »
Yes - the letters defo need to go now if you are going to increase on 1st April.


Re: putting prices up
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2006, 11:18:10 am »
thanks Fox
I'll get them typed up pronto!  :)