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Smart Carpet

Re: DIY is better
« Reply #40 on: September 30, 2012, 09:56:39 pm »

I wonder how strong the floor plates are when not through chassis rail..  during the 18.6mph crash test (1000litres) the floor plates on this ionics system just tore through the floor like it was plastic..

[GQC] Tim

  • Posts: 4536
Re: DIY is better
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2012, 09:09:31 am »
You never go through a chassis rails, that's a big no no.

If you look at that picture, the plates are actually tiny, and have deformed. Also the holding clamps that go over the tank frame look like they were made of cheese. So all of the sudden you get basically all the force on just those two small plates. So yea that would rip through the floor. These Grippamax plates and T-lok system are really something else. Crash test data on the 1000l Grippamax system says it all really. It holds just fine, and that's at 31MPH.

jamie bennett

  • Posts: 71
Re: DIY is better
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2012, 09:13:35 am »
I too use Ionics systems and feel they offfer a good aftersales support and also the replacement parts do arrive very quickly, but I always have a complete set of backup filters and connectors so if anything is wrong its so easy to fit and do the backwashes I wouldnt use any other company or be bothered to build my own


  • Posts: 532
Re: DIY is better
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2012, 11:06:33 am »
DIY is fine. My diy works perfectly thank you. and guess what it cleans windows just like a bought system.....amazing! Has done for the last 9 years.
If you want to shell out a lot more money because you lack the competence and confidence then that's your problem.
As long as you do it properly diy is fine.
Good for you, but what most forget, if say you make one of them crappy harris poles and it breaks and does damage to property or say a parked car you are not covered Fact, Have an accident in your van with your home made system and you haven't had it fitted properly your brown bread. A neighbour of mine is a loss adjuster he told me he will look at all loop holes not pay a claim. When I set my Business up he gave me very good advice that is why I brought ionics systems because they are sledge tested and crash test to thatcham requirements. He also said if i did a modification to my van( Having a System fitted is), and its not fitted by a recognised trader IE pure freedom, ionics, they may well not pay out. I will carry on with my fitted system you carry on with your home made stuff.  As for lack of confidence  and competence I dont think so, its not my fault you probably didn't have the pound notes and had to make your own, price right and grow your business and you too can afford one. Regards
My business is fine thanks, I just enjoy the money being in my pocket instead of someone else's.
It always makes me laugh when some who have bought a system try and say. 'You don't have one 'cos you can't afford one'  What do you know about me and my business? Nothing except that I bet my profit margin is better than yours.
I personally don't knock people who have a system.
I think people who knock those with DIY systems are as bad as those who treat window cleaners like scum.

I did have more to say, but I can't be bothered, I'm one of those who come on here to help people or pick up tips.
A manager is generally someone who has been promoted to the position by someone else who didn't see them as a threat.
Hence all people are promoted to the level of their incompetence


Re: DIY is better
« Reply #44 on: October 01, 2012, 02:48:09 pm »
DIY is fine. My diy works perfectly thank you. and guess what it cleans windows just like a bought system.....amazing! Has done for the last 9 years.
If you want to shell out a lot more money because you lack the competence and confidence then that's your problem.
As long as you do it properly diy is fine.
Good for you, but what most forget, if say you make one of them crappy harris poles and it breaks and does damage to property or say a parked car you are not covered Fact, Have an accident in your van with your home made system and you haven't had it fitted properly your brown bread. A neighbour of mine is a loss adjuster he told me he will look at all loop holes not pay a claim. When I set my Business up he gave me very good advice that is why I brought ionics systems because they are sledge tested and crash test to thatcham requirements. He also said if i did a modification to my van( Having a System fitted is), and its not fitted by a recognised trader IE pure freedom, ionics, they may well not pay out. I will carry on with my fitted system you carry on with your home made stuff.  As for lack of confidence  and competence I dont think so, its not my fault you probably didn't have the pound notes and had to make your own, price right and grow your business and you too can afford one. Regards
My business is fine thanks, I just enjoy the money being in my pocket instead of someone else's.
It always makes me laugh when some who have bought a system try and say. 'You don't have one 'cos you can't afford one'  What do you know about me and my business? Nothing except that I bet my profit margin is better than yours.
I personally don't knock people who have a system.
I think people who knock those with DIY systems are as bad as those who treat window cleaners like scum.

I did have more to say, but I can't be bothered, I'm one of those who come on here to help people or pick up tips.

Give it a rest mate your sounding like a big girls blouse, I'm not having a dig at you or your home made stuff i'm being sarcastic as you lunched in to me. Like wise you don't know nothing about me or my business or profit margins, carry on enjoying your money as I will mine. Now its half day for me as im off to see the migty Queens Park Rangers. Love and kisses. ;D

David Salkeld

  • Posts: 206
Re: DIY is better
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2012, 06:27:23 pm »
I too use Ionics systems and feel they offfer a good aftersales support and also the replacement parts do arrive very quickly, but I always have a complete set of backup filters and connectors so if anything is wrong its so easy to fit and do the backwashes I wouldnt use any other company or be bothered to build my own

You know, although I am a DIY man. I can't help agreeing with you Jamie.
A part of me says "look mate, stop faffin around and get a proper setup"
And, I confess to enquiring about a van and setup. But I couldn't justify
14000 for a new Dispatch van and 2500 for Pure Freedom or around 3000 for Ionics
(simple setup)
So I am happy with my DIY, custom trailer.
However, not counting the van cost, my trailer has, all in, probably cost around 2000.
My x plate Scoda Octavia 1.6 Estate cost me 1300 15 months ago.

Good Honest Service

Smart Carpet

Re: DIY is better
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2012, 06:42:40 pm »
You never go through a chassis rails, that's a big no no.

If you look at that picture, the plates are actually tiny, and have deformed. Also the holding clamps that go over the tank frame look like they were made of cheese. So all of the sudden you get basically all the force on just those two small plates. So yea that would rip through the floor. These Grippamax plates and T-lok system are really something else. Crash test data on the 1000l Grippamax system says it all really. It holds just fine, and that's at 31MPH.


Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: DIY is better
« Reply #47 on: October 02, 2012, 06:54:44 pm »
Hi folks,

Been thinking......
I have a DIY Trailer system.  I think it is better to have your own designed system as if something fails you can fix it quickly.
If you have a commercial system and it goes wrong you're in the hands of the manufacturer. Possibly waiting to get back up and running.

What are your thoughts?
my advice to anyone is to keep it as simple as possible have a tank and delivery water via a controlled pump to the glass and delete anything from the van/trailer that is not needed.
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)