OK. I'm new at wfp. I have just finished my 3rd week of wfp and I now have a good idea of what other wfpoles I want. The question is do I buy whats out their now 18' & 24' fibre glass poles knowing the poles can extented from within themselves or wait for the new Unger pole?
http://www.hiflocarbontec.com/ If you go here you can have a look at the new pole.
Its carbon fibre, smallest length 0.75mtrs, normall length 1.5mtrs(5'). So 4 sections give me a 20' pole. If its to big just pull a section off. Theirs no external tubeing that then runs up the pole, It has a fixed internal tube ID of 6mm. All the sections are just push fit. The goose head is just push fit. Great for a quick change between a large or small brush.
Outside circumference of the pole is 45mm. it as a multi-adjustable on off switch on the pole . I dont know how much Unger will charge. But will it be a nightmare on domestics were you have to continuelly adjust the pole length?
Do you think it will take a lot longer to put an additionall length of pole on compared to what we have now?