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  • Posts: 3225
« on: July 11, 2012, 05:14:43 pm »
Just had a 40 min call from them trying to get me to buy a website for £870!! plus a proffesional video to go with it. They must think some of us are minted!!
Anyone else use them?


  • Posts: 6100
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 05:28:22 pm »
Thats about 39 mins more time than they would of got from me!  >:(
One of the Plebs

Small but perfectley formed

  • Posts: 1744
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 05:38:28 pm »
If you want a website try studio arts he has free ones all you have to pay is for hosting .
Spit and polish

Roy Cauldery

  • Posts: 497
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 07:09:16 pm »

simply, NO NO and thrice NO
we succeed because others can't or won't


  • Posts: 9268
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2012, 07:10:18 pm »

simply, NO NO and thrice NO

Is that a definate maybe then Roy ??

 ;D ;D
Everyday this forum slips further from God.  :'(


  • Posts: 2177
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2012, 07:19:28 pm »
I have a free listing with them which works very well


  • Posts: 6100
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2012, 07:52:04 pm »
Whenever they phone me up I hear the same old bull.
A common line they use is "So how many more new customers per week will you be able to handle from us?" blahblahblah
As if they will pluck new work out of the sky and hand it to you on a plate.  ???
I've no problem with them actually trying to sell their services but it's all the false claims they make which get my back up.  >:(
One of the Plebs

ben M

  • Posts: 4720
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2012, 08:24:41 pm »
Thats about 39 mins more time than they would of got from me!  >:(

39 mins and 50 seconds for me!  ;D

Tony Edwards

  • Posts: 791
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2012, 08:26:53 pm »

simply, NO NO and thrice NO

I yell p*ss off !

Bay View WCS

  • Posts: 297
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2012, 08:38:28 pm »
In all my dealings with them it is virtually impossible to tie them down to something concrete.  They will promise you the earth-  increased calls, traffic to your website, conservatory enquiries the whole lot.  The will also promise you a dedicated area where you will come out number 1 when searched for in that area- all for £320 plus VAT per year - and that was just for and not including the yellow pages.

But it's all bullsh*t and p*ssing in the wind.  I read their terms and conditions (yes, I'm that sort  ;D) and it specifically states that anything they tell you on the phone is not included in your contractual agreement with them.  I pointed this out to the sales guy and asked him to put all his promises into the written agreement - he openly admitted he couldn't do that so I said effectively everything you have said can't be true and he confirmed this was the case.

He put me through to 'his manager' (who was probably the guy sat next to him) who offered me a discount of £150.00 plus VAT for the year - direct debit @ £18.00 per month.  I wanted to give it a go and agreed for that price.  I've been on since March and I've picked up 4 jobs which bring in £46.00 per month so I've covered the monthly payment and a bit more.

Having said that, the way they give out areas is idiotic to say the least.  Type in Window Cleaner Lancaster and first listing is for a company in Cockermouth which is 77 miles and an hour and a half away; the second listing is one in Birkenhead some 66 miles away.  These are 'sponsored' and 'high level' listings who have paid a premium which effectively lists them at the top for a very wide area.  But seriously, which residential custy would use someone from that far away and for that matter I'm sure they would not travel all that way for one custy unless they were cleaning in the area.

All in all, even though I have covered the cost with new custys, I won't be going with them again as I can't be sure I wouldn't have got the work with the free listing.




  • Posts: 7887
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2012, 12:16:02 am »

Having said that, the way they give out areas is idiotic to say the least.  Type in Window Cleaner Lancaster and first listing is for a company in Cockermouth which is 77 miles and an hour and a half away; the second listing is one in Birkenhead some 66 miles away. Cheers

Probably a lady in Birkenhead who is typing in on yell "window cleaner Birkenhead" and your details pop up  ;D ;D

Paul Coleman

« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2012, 08:29:24 am »
I don't like the selling style of many of these Yell sales people.  Honestly, the best way to sell something to me is to tell me the truth, leave it with me, and if I decide to, I get back to them - possibly months later.  I have done this too.
One Yell guy phoned me as I was about to start my van to go home after a long, hard day.  I tried to keep it polite.  He insisted that I listen to his spiel even though I told him the situation.  So I humoured him for 5/10 minutes - something I won't normally do.  I let him ramble on without interruption.  At the end I told him that I was knackered, cold (it was winter), tired and hungry and that because he had peed me off by not listening in the first place, I wouldn't buy from him ever.
So many people seem to think that being a good salesperson is knowing about the product and having the gift of the gab.  Plenty of talk can work OK if you are tuned in to NLP type techniques but, other than that, gab is next to worthless. All it does is give the potential buyer the subliminal feeling that what you have to say is more valuable than what they want to say or think. IMO, it's about being a good listener and knowing how to respond appropriately.  Also, although knowing the product is important, it's far more important to be able to know your audience.  I don't mean intimate details of their lives.  I mean the ability to empathise.  I could pretty much guarantee that most of the time, the person with empathic ability will outsell the person who knows the product well.  Obviously having both is an even bigger plus.
Take the Yell salesperson for instance.  I'm sure he knew his product well.  How much was to be charged for x amount of space.  How much bogus discount he could offer if pushed and still turn a profit.  But when I tell him that I could pick up work far more cheaply than he is offering by knocking doors for x hours and that directory obtained work is often more tightly priced because many go through a list and use price as the only comparison, he is lost for a response.  So he falls back on offering the directory based service even more cheaply - which isn't what I wanted at all.
And so on...........................


  • Posts: 3225
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2012, 09:16:43 am »
Just as I thought. >:(

Bay View WCS

  • Posts: 297
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2012, 10:45:11 am »

Having said that, the way they give out areas is idiotic to say the least.  Type in Window Cleaner Lancaster and first listing is for a company in Cockermouth which is 77 miles and an hour and a half away; the second listing is one in Birkenhead some 66 miles away. Cheers

Probably a lady in Birkenhead who is typing in on yell "window cleaner Birkenhead" and your details pop up  ;D ;D

Setting off now now to do her - fronts only for a tenner every month. A three hour round trip - I knew this lark would pay off in the end.