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Paul H

  • Posts: 878
marketting advice
« on: January 03, 2012, 04:34:46 pm »
hi folks

firstly hope you all had a great xmas and new year and wish everyone all the best for 2012 and your businesses moving forward.

I'm sure most of you know but for those who dont i only started in April last year...

so as we move into january which i'm gauging is a quiet spell (unless you are established and have been going years) after the xmas rush  my question about marketing in quiet spells and this time of year when maybe people have one eye on winter and thinking having cleaning done is a waste of money..

i obviously have a budget for marketing like all but am cautious of ploughing or wasting money in a period that will be quiet regardless of say leaflets , ads etc..and seeing little are no return on my budget (i know there are free or minimal costs for some marketing like getting on your bike and finding work yourself) but i'm curious for other ideas and help to back this up.... or is it case of taking the rough with the smooth at this time of year .... ? and riding it through..

any ideas welcome

On a postive i am having a new website done for me so please dont bother looking at my current one ! lol


Re: marketting advice
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2012, 04:54:19 pm »
You have to take the rough with smooth all year round, not just this time of year. :) Marketing/advertsing should be done on a rolling basis and even if you are busy, you should keep up with your marketing month in month out.
You started out in April, so it was probably a certainty that you would be quiet after Xmas as you have no previous "spring" customers to remind or get referrals from (this should be different next year for you), although we are never overly busy at this time of year, but have prepared for this!
Although you think you may not be getting a return from your leaflets/adverts, keep going with them, you never know when someone will call from these.
If I could tell you the "secret" of what works and what doesn't I would, but there is no magic formula with Joe Public.
Just keep plodding on with getting your name out there as much as possible, cos if people don't know about you, they can't use you :) :)

Richard Basey-Fisher

  • Posts: 260
Re: marketting advice
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2012, 05:09:30 pm »
agree with the above the key to market correctly is to be consistant . obviously as you said yourself your expecting jan to be slow even established cc s find january a month that never really gets going . I find these days jan although the volume of work is down the averag price ticket is high so its swings and roundabouts.

what i used to do in jan and feb is when i get a call always go out and quote it in person where at all possible . offer them a 10 % discount if they have a friend relative who books in to have something done the same week.


Re: marketting advice
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2012, 05:15:07 pm »
As Richard said in his above post maybe go out and quote..

That might give you a better chance as the potentiol client can meet you in person.

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: marketting advice
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2012, 05:23:23 pm »
thanks folks

i agree totally and never intended to stop with the marketing and totally agree with the comments above.... was just curious to hear of returns on marketing in january / feb for less established operators like myself... but like you say its all about repitition even in the notoriously quiet months which i am clearly entering... but mindful it has to be within my budget...



Colin Day

Re: marketting advice
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2012, 05:40:25 pm »
I tried a little experiment over the weekend and sent out emails to 20 past customers offering 20% off. I had 4 people come back, 1 said they were skint, one said "What's the point in getting my carpets cleaned this time of year?" and one said "I'd much rather wait, as spring's just round the corner!"

The 4th one booked a 4 bed house clean.... :)

I have a handful of EOT jobs booked in so far, so it is a quiet month. I have learnt not to get to down-trodden about it now.... :)

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: marketting advice
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2012, 05:50:07 pm »

well said i aint down trodding i'm just quite driven to get going again i have my targets for this year which is quite simply do better than last year... i've had my xmas off for the first time in yonks all the way through from 23rd. Dec ...

and loved every second of it... now i'm ready to march on again.... !..

i guess by the sounds of it jan/ feb will be as i anticipated... but the show goes on :)

Colin Day

Re: marketting advice
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2012, 05:56:39 pm »
Looking over my 3 years worth of records, a pattern is emerging, Febs my worst month, May and August are my best months....

I wasn't implying you are down-trodden by the way. It's just that for the first 2 years, I really wondered what I was doing wrong... :)

Good luck with the business though, best job in the world this carpet cleaning lark.... ;)


Re: marketting advice
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2012, 05:56:42 pm »
I tried a little experiment over the weekend and sent out emails to 20 past customers offering 20% off. I had 4 people come back, 1 said they were skint, one said "What's the point in getting my carpets cleaned this time of year?" and one said "I'd much rather wait, as spring's just round the corner!"

The 4th one booked a 4 bed house clean.... :)

I have a handful of EOT jobs booked in so far, so it is a quiet month. I have learnt not to get to down-trodden about it now.... :)

Which just goes to show that not all people are after discounts :)

Colin Day

Re: marketting advice
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2012, 05:59:12 pm »
I tried a little experiment over the weekend and sent out emails to 20 past customers offering 20% off. I had 4 people come back, 1 said they were skint, one said "What's the point in getting my carpets cleaned this time of year?" and one said "I'd much rather wait, as spring's just round the corner!"

The 4th one booked a 4 bed house clean.... :)

I have a handful of EOT jobs booked in so far, so it is a quiet month. I have learnt not to get to down-trodden about it now.... :)
Which just goes to show that not all people are after discounts :)

One actually said "Would you hold that special offer 'til April...?"

"Erm.. No!" ;D


Re: marketting advice
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2012, 06:01:10 pm »
thanks folks

i agree totally and never intended to stop with the marketing and totally agree with the comments above.... was just curious to hear of returns on marketing in january / feb for less established operators like myself... but like you say its all about repitition even in the notoriously quiet months which i am clearly entering... but mindful it has to be within my budget...
As you are still in your first year of trading of course you will be watching every penny spent on advertising etc. It's hard, but try not to monitor your monthly advertising costs against returns on a monthly basis, but on a quarterly basis instead. Make a note for October this year to start your New Year campaign for 2013 :)


Re: marketting advice
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2012, 06:02:14 pm »
I tried a little experiment over the weekend and sent out emails to 20 past customers offering 20% off. I had 4 people come back, 1 said they were skint, one said "What's the point in getting my carpets cleaned this time of year?" and one said "I'd much rather wait, as spring's just round the corner!"

The 4th one booked a 4 bed house clean.... :)

I have a handful of EOT jobs booked in so far, so it is a quiet month. I have learnt not to get to down-trodden about it now.... :)
Which just goes to show that not all people are after discounts :)

One actually said "Would you hold that special offer 'til April...?"

"Erm.. No!" ;D

Or maybe "yes" as it was your plan to offer 30% off in April ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 2279
Re: marketting advice
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2012, 06:09:27 pm »
We have had no snow yet, so there is the potential that you will have another quiet spell if it does.
Get your shoes on and get out with the leaflets mate, before the bad weather hits and you will loose another few weeks or so.

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: marketting advice
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2012, 06:33:17 pm »
Colin... i aint down trodding mate and i aint one of these that sits and waits for the work to find them.. :)

Mark you've pre empted tomorrows activities... i have a few hundred flyers in my van that where primed for this week .. fingers crossed... i got a cheeky leather 3 piece re colour to hopefully bag by the end of the week too..

But nowt after that 

top advice peeps ;)

Colin Day

Re: marketting advice
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2012, 07:07:48 pm »
Colin... i aint down trodding mate and i aint one of these that sits and waits for the work to find them.. :)

Mark you've pre empted tomorrows activities... i have a few hundred flyers in my van that where primed for this week .. fingers crossed... i got a cheeky leather 3 piece re colour to hopefully bag by the end of the week too..

But nowt after that 

top advice peeps ;)

I know you aren't down trodden, I said that a few posts back.... What I am saying is I was down trodden...

I've talked to a lot of people who are worried though, but I tell them all the same thing... You can't make someone have their carpets cleaned, you just have to make sure you use the time off time wisely ;)

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: marketting advice
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2012, 09:53:46 pm »
Colin, well said mate "use the time off wisely".. maybe the post may have been a bit more clear if i'd put if that way ...thanks :)... thats exactly what i aim to do ... 


Re: marketting advice
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2012, 10:21:13 pm »
I think there's two ways of looking at it Paul

1) Market heavily during traditionally slack times, to compensate and fill up the diary.  This could cost hundreds more per month, and results aren't guaranteed.. .but could have better longer term effects on your bottom line.

2) Stop trying to push a rock up a hill with your nose, don't speculate too much in Jan/Feb... rather throw money at marketing at times like October/November when you can be guaranteed to pick up the pre-Xmas rush and make a mint.

I've always used the 2nd approach, but getting to the point in my business now when I need to start the other approach... having spent most of the last 2 months up to Xmas booked almost solid, I wouldn't want to up my marketing any more at that time... instead I probably need to try and crack Jan & Feb, something I've never mastered to this day.

I think commercial is the way with the first two months of the year, which I'm working on at the moment.

The thing is, no two businesses are the same... I find it unbelievable that people say they are not stacked out in December, but then I am very jealous when people say how busy they are in January.

It'll take you a few yearly cycles to really get a feel for your business's ebbs and flows.  All I would suggest is you get familiar with microsoft excel, if not already (or find a nerdy friend who does, everyone has one ;) ).  Use it to build statistical views of your turnover, profit, number of enquiries/jobs and also to track the spend and success of your marketing, as well as other passive sources of business such as recommendations & repeats.

You can suddenly view your business in a whole different light with these kind of stats, but beware of making something look good when it isn't or vice versa... .after all... lies, damned lies and statistics.....

mike roberts

Re: marketting advice
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2012, 11:51:55 am »
Well i think Jim's post sums it up, if I was a 'newbie' starting out just offering carpet cleaning it would scare the life out of me  :o

An esablished cleaner running a TM still has not managed to 'crack' two months of the year.

Great point with excel, we run a monthly cash flow forecast recon with bank statements, saves accountancy fees plus shows highs and lows - Hopefully bring in sage accounts this yr.
We also run sage ACT for database (worth its weight in gold) Hopefully tie in Sage accounts this yr, Using excel + act helps us target the marketing.
Last year August was the worst month for us - Hols  >:(