Good Evening everyone,
As promised. Below you will find information relaiting to the meeting held on the 2nd December 2005.
The PWCA meeting held yesterday in Poole Dorset was attended by the following committee members Andrew Cheney, Andrew Mullen, David Morris & Glyn Howard. Other attendees include, Martyn Bolt, Neil Williams and two representatives from a secretariat service. Unfortunately the PWCA Scottish representatives were not able to attend the meeting in person however, contact was made throughout the course of the meeting with Tam Kay – head of the Scottish Committee.
The whole meeting was a complete success and has really pushed the PWCA forward. Items that where discussed are as follow (not necessarily in this order): -
1) Committee discussion on the PWCA logo put forward
2) The original PWCA web site
3) Is there a need for a new Trade Association
4) Would the committee like to continue with this Association
5) New committee members were reviewed.
6) The use of a secretariat service and how it can help the PWCA and its members
7) Should the PWCA keep its current name or should we review others
Donations & Funding
9) Official Opening of the PWCA to be postponed to allow the PWCA committee to organize the membership and benefits properly.
10) Founding members
11) The level of membership the PWCA will require within the first year
12) Membership benefits – The immediate benefits the PWCA would be able to offer to their members. A total of 20 benefits have been sourced and agreed in principal and subject to acknowledgement.
13) Membership Criteria – What a potential member would have to do, in order to be accepted as a member.
14) Where the next meeting should be held
15) Three new committee members were accepted
16) A name for the Chairman position was put forward and voted on and accepted.
All the above is an outline of the day’s events.
New Committee members are as follows: - Martyn Bolt, Neil Williams, and Wayne Voller.
The benefits that have been agreed upon are of major value to all window cleaners; however, as I am sure you can understand, at this stage, we cannot comment on what they actually are.
The PWCA would like to advise all people that are interested, that it now has a new web site address; this is please be advised, that this site has temporary web pages installed until the new web site is officially finished.
We are happy to answer many questions, but naturally if these are of a commercially sensitive nature or relate to any confidential areas then we are sure people, will understand if these are not answered.
The official opening for the PWCA will now be in March 2006
I hope this answers some questions some of you may have been seeking and we would like to thank everyone for their continued interest.