I would like to thank Andrew Walker for pushing the subject for European members on this and other websites. Many thanks to Martin Warman for his sterling work and for bringing the subject up yet again at the recent meeting. Even if it did get a little heated at times in the past, thanks for all involved and any commitee members I have unintentionally ommited in providing the result. I haven't been notified of the minutes, or what was said, the end result is Beryl will be sending me an application form in due course. I know I shouldn't count my chickens......
Now to get listed on "findmeawindowcleaner"!!
"Posted on December 14th / Find me a window cleaner is now working"
Thanks John for the help, Beryl emailed me the day before yesterday, and my membership is on the next donkey out! As far as I know, I'm the first non-uk member. For the proof go to :-