I went to look at a van today, the 'man' who was wearing jogging bottoms with lets say a faded aztec style pattern (I am saying nothing, I'm not one for stereotyping) offered me a rug doctor, a red one.
He wanted me to test drive the van, I declined as not insured, he replied "thats ok, my neighbour is an ex copper, he see's this all the time".I still declined, my mind was made up when he told me the reason it crunched into 2nd is the fact it had a front end smack a few months ago and this pushed the engine slightly out of place?? His neighbour came out a couple of minutes later and asked him when he was going back to finish his carpets!!
A red one is rental right?? (not that I would have gone to the ATM if it was blue).
Needless to say I had read this topic yesterday and didn't buy the van. Goes without saying I didnt buy the RD.
Relevant...I dont know just my experience from today.