Double bay as in two story bays? Yes, a few - they were my big issue at first weren't they
Being a bit short I've gone for a wagtail squeegy and a separate swivelled scrubber and they give me better sideways reach. I've also got one of those wagtail angle adapters that's about a foot long in my pouch and I use that if I can't quite reach up. So I kind of have a system now - Hooray!!
The round is building up slowly but steadily thanks and I've had a surprising amount of one-off cleans recently because there is a lot of rented property round here (two universities) and people often do a massive clean at the end of tenancies to get the deposit back . I've been doing more advertising lately and that seems to be paying off but it is still a small round (just over £200 pcm). I haven't done as much door to door canvassing as I could have but part of the reason is that I also have a small PA hire thing (as in for music) that has been going quite well recently, so I haven't been feeling the pressure quite so much. And yes, I am enjoying it.