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KL Cleaning

  • Posts: 5
Large solictors firm! what to charge
« on: October 16, 2005, 01:08:15 pm »
Hi all

Wondered if some one could help me, a friend of mine works for a large solictors firm, it  appears that they are not happy with there present cleaning company He has asked me to put a package together and he will submit it. HELP!
I have only worked for building contractors so i havent got a clue what they are looking for.

Would it be the same tender process ie risk assessments, method statements, H & S policy etc.. and what do i charge. Do i go buy square footage/meter like builders or do i charge an hourly rate, if so what hourly rate do i charge. What hours do i quote for, do i state we will work during the night or office hours, do i need a contract. As you can see not very much experience in this type of clean. Advice much appreciated




  • Posts: 187
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 04:04:54 pm »
Hi there

This type of question has been asked and answered many many times on this forum so I suggest you do a seach of old postings using a number of different search criteria - there is a wealth of information buried in old postings.

Some other points though

- I would really try to find out exactly what their problems are with the current cleaner so that you can emphasise in your proposal why your offering is what they need. And if you don't know what their "problem" is there is always a chance that you would make the same mistake, expecially if you don't have too much experience in this area.

You can put as much or as little in to your proposal - my rule of thumb is that the greater the value of the contract, the more we put in - its all to do with expectation level and also looking professional.

There are figures available for how long it should take to clean a floor area depending on its function ie offices/retail/school etc but we don't use them - most people wouldn't know the answer to the questions you need to ask them. So I walk the building and make notes, ask questions ie do people bring their cups back to the kitchen/canteen, is washing of dirty cups etc required

You need to find out what the clients requirements are in terms of times for cleaning - personally I prefer evenings because that gives you the safety factor of working through the night if necessary in the event of unforseen difficulties ie no shows,illness etc

A written contract is good but if you have to resort to the contract then the relationship is doomed


KL Cleaning

  • Posts: 5
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 04:14:37 pm »
Thanks for your help Mick will try old postings


*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 05:32:29 pm »
Another thing is not to overlook the tupe reglations, you can find further info by searching this forum


KL Cleaning

  • Posts: 5
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 08:49:39 pm »

tried a search for tupe regulations nothing came up any ideas where else to search

regards  Keith


  • Posts: 351
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 09:06:24 pm »

go to the search box above, just type in tupe, then search.





  • Posts: 387
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2005, 10:56:20 pm »
how long have been on this forum....... never knew that was there, i always wend through the threads one by one . took ages ;D i do let the irish down


  • Posts: 187
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2005, 12:17:31 am »
Don't put yourself down like that.

I'm 100% Irish & very proud of it - my company is Emerald Cleaning Services !

Believe me, intellect or ability are not a function of race or ability.

Be positive - negative thoughts/beliefs are contagious and can be almost self fulfilling.

instead think of yourself as somebody who has had the "balls" to setup & run your own business.


*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 08:49:44 am »
i'm half irish , does that count? ;)



  • Posts: 387
Re: Large solictors firm! what to charge
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2005, 09:06:31 am »
i am possitive, just laughing at myself its allowed ;D i only discovered the chat room the other day lol &  in fact i see the funny side of things most of the time, usualy when other people dont or at the wrong time........never mind now lets go and put a smile on someone face to-day, if we all go and smile at every one to day , they will smile back or think your a  compleate nutter ....hee hee...NOW LETS MAKE MONEY