I may be a bit simple.
Why is it important to drain the water out of the hose?
Dave did say that it is to de pressurise the hose but I can't think why that is important.
We use a stop end near the pump which connects to the hose reel and then a stop end between the hose reel and the pole.
When the jobs done, we disconect it all and wind up the hose with all the water inside it so as at the next job it's all ready to go. After the intial force of water forcing it's way out the hose as it's disconnected, there's a few drips and then nothing else.
One small advantage of winding the hose with water inside is that you get no kinks.
The hose 'winder' we opted for after I blew a fuse with the third plastic one was a stainless steel one that is not encased and has proper bearings. It cost £200 but I think for speed and ease it was worth it and it has a 3 year gaurantee for any fault or failure. I told the company what it would be used for and they said it's still gauranteed and whats more, it's all in writing.
It works fine for us.
Blimey :
big big picture... I could do with that camera so my missus says...