I think being self employed in any job is hard at times; being strict with yourself when it comes to time keeping is my biggest problem. Every night I think, " Right matey, up at 4am for a 5am start; £200 by just after lunch time and plenty of time left to get to the gym."
At 7am the next morning I'm promising myself that TOMORROW I'll be up at 4am................... :
It sounds easy in theory but when you don't have a boss - apart from the one laying next to me when I wake up - to kick you up the arse now and again you just have to give yourself a good kicking to keep yourself going.
BUT, in all honesty, when I was employed I could never have afforded the holidays we take as a family now. I work seriously hard and we have money to spend; it's taken 20 years to reach that level but we have a nice, comfortable lifestyle and I can still take a day off when needed without ringing in sick