Hi Dave,
1 of my customer's had a Concept2O leaflet put through the door with various pictures of WFP in action including a Concept sign written van. Then at the bottom of the front page a web address
www.spotlesswindowcleaning.co.uk and a local landline number.
Turn the leaflet over and a contact name has been scribbled in a info block with another telephone number which has then been crossed out and another scribbled above it.
One has to draw their own conclusions.
Interestingly, the website address highlights their enviromental concerns. "OUR ROUND IS CARRIED OUT BY CYCLE AND TRAILER TO HELP PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT
We carry all our equipment in a trailer and cycle from job to job. By using our services instead of a company with vans on the road you are helping us to protect the environment and at the same time doing your bit!"