My ATO mop broke after 10 years rough service.
I understand from the janitorial supplies firm I got the mop from that Ato went out of business.
I've spent several hours on the web looking for a replacement of the same style, size (250mm) durability and price range.
I have found similar mops but only cleanroom suppliers stock them:
http://www.rollomatic.com/main.taf?p=3,1,2,1http://www.criticalenvironmentsolutions.co.uk/CESCatalogueNHSv2r1.pdfTop of p51
Listed and pictured as Ato, but I contacted them and they only have stainless steel and are over £100. That's a bit over my budget, though I don't mind paying about £50.
Does anyone know where I can buy an ATO / rollomatic style mop that isn't stainless steel.