Hi guys,
just wanted to gauge a new flyer im thinking of putting together,
obviously my logo across the top,
then i was thinking something along the lines of,
''i noticed your driveways is a little dirty, i could have that looking great again for ________
if you would like to take me up on the offer, dont hesitate to call me on ___________
We also offer a wide range of other Pressure Cleaning services so please see overleaf and hopefully we
can help you with whatever you need!''
or something abit more refined.
is that first part abit cheeky?
my OH said it was abit cheeky but if i got the flyer, id know my drive was dirty and have abit of a laugh.
i just thought it would be good to leave a space for a non generic quote, so they know what itll cost straight up.
or it could just be a load of carp thats always floating round my head..lol..
either way, let the comments begin..