BDCS hit the nail on the head. I was thinking the same thing when I got to the end of the post. I will be honest, through my experience in cleaning and in the Army for 20 years, people have a tendency to talk a lot of sh*** when they are on the phone. They feel that they can hide behind the wires. You dont even have to be aggressive when you go. Although you have to have the intenstinal fortitude to handle confrontation on a face to face basis, you will find that in most instances a person will have a whole new attitude when talking to you face to face. I have been able to handle many situations, even with people that seem to be very aggresive, by just telling them, hold on a few I am coming over to talk to you. Even if you are not one to handle these situations well, if you are right and you do it a few times it gets easier. I would drop by and speak with the project manager personally at his or her office and if their attitude does change get something in writing stating that you at least did what you say you did and charge them accordingly.