Hi Anna,
Its fairly easy I would say as we perform lots of EOT's cleaning for estate agents, letting agents, property management companies.
Just introduce your services and yourself.
Have some prices as well. They like prices and they like "VALUE" or to the point here make it sound like they are getting a lot of VALUE for the money.
Its a competitive market just like any other. We get the work mainly because the contractors either let them down or perform poorly.
Even large companies I know have let them down.
Only the other day we were approached by a letting agent a new client now asked if we had our own machines or is it just marketed that we do?
I thought that was a strange question to ask. Never been asked that one so I asked, Why he was asking?
I wont mention them here but the company said they had own equipment and they did not have it. - Hence they were let down as all the hire shops were closed - How he found out I don't know.
Any ways we invited the Agents round for a cup of tea. Then showed them our own machines and gave a demo of our carpet cleaning machines and our WFP systems.
We also have landed about 74 properties in the local area on a regular basis and if we perform well and don't let them down there will be more to follow. We will see how it goes.
All the best