If its rolling then there is a cleaner.
You will need to take the cleaner on and employ them. - Under their existing employment contract and pay, holiday etc.
You will also be responsible for redundancy pay and that is payable from when they started with the original contractor.
Its not a headache if done right. People get worried and there no need providing you follow the rules. At the end of it if there standards are not up to scratch you can sack them you just have to follow the disciplinary rules in there contract.
Is it worth it you ask?
That depends. Can you cover the contract if the cleaner is ill or on holiday. How many hours are they doing?
Would you be supplying the products like paper towels, loo rolls and liquid soap?
There are many ways to charge. Per foot, by the hour by task..
Generally you work out the square footage and as a rule you should know what to charge. For example, We work on 1500 square feet and hour some companies work on 2000 square foot and hour, I know of some pushing at 2500 an hour.
Rates will vary dependent on your profit margin and overheads and of course if its Volume you will price low. You may decide you want Quality and price higher but have less contracts.
As for the specification and equipment you generally supply black bags, bin liners, vacuum cleaners, buffers, mops buckets, dusters & polish or general wipe cleaner.
On average you will hear many people say price at £15.00 per hour but thats only in small amount of hours if its like say 10 hours per week you need to be more realistic like £11.50 and sometimes a lot lower.
You will also need COSSH Sheets for the chemicals and of course insurance to perform such tasks.
The cleaning is generally
emptying bins
replenish loo rolls , soap
washing up or loading dishwashers
And whatever the client requests. Some contracts are very basic and some can be very complex.
Also you would want a 12 month contract. If you need any help just email me and I will be happy to help.
All the best