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derek west

super market sweep
« on: November 05, 2010, 06:02:49 pm »
did a clean today at a fairly big house, after finishing i walked into the kitchen to get paid and noticed the chickens in the back garden. fantastic job said the owner, whats the damage, i replied £75 and 2 free range eggs for me breakfast please. ;D

no problem heres 6, we get most of our food from the garden,

"my wife wants to grow her own veggies but its a bit late for her now, she was gonna plant some leeks but was to late"

"leeks" said the owner, "come with me, adrain! adrian! bring ya pitch fork"

any way. to cut a long story

6 eggs
2 leeks
1 very large turnip
some yellow (mild) chillies
and a lovely bunch of flowers for the wife.

as the old BT advert use to say
"its good to talk" if not slightly cheeky ;D

wynne jones

  • Posts: 2918
Re: super market sweep
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2010, 06:24:40 pm »
Derek thought there were only three vegitables, sliced gurkin, tomato and chopped iceberg.  ;D
It's not expensive, you just can't afford it.

derek west

Re: super market sweep
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2010, 06:33:21 pm »
theres no tomato's on a big mac, ;D

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: super market sweep
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2010, 06:33:29 pm »
Hi Derek

At this rate youwill be giving up high fat, high salt, high sugar Maccie D's and eating salad for your lunch :o




  • Posts: 788
Re: super market sweep
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2010, 07:21:35 pm »
£75, I didn`t think you got out of bed for that amount, or are they golden eggs? ;)

derek west

Re: super market sweep
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 07:35:04 pm »
£75, I didn`t think you got out of bed for that amount, or are they golden eggs? ;)

it was a bait and switch tactic but she just wanted the basic maintenance clean for £75.

i eat salad for lunch everyday, just happens to be in a bun with some meat in it. ;D