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  • Posts: 27
Big staff issues
« on: October 12, 2010, 12:46:01 pm »

I'm looking for some advice on how to sort out my staffing issues.  I do both domestic and commercial and don't really have any problems with the commercial staff but feel like I'm having major issues with the domestic staff.

The staff I have at the moment all do a good job.  However, they don't seem to want to turn in to work very often.  Over the past few weeks I've had several cases of staff just not turning up without letting me know beforehand, texting me at the last minute saying that they're sick and saying they can work a certain day then letting me down at the last minute.  They are generally uncontactable as well.

This seems to happen to me a lot, no matter who I take on it's always the same thing.  It's really affecting my business growth and feel like it's affecting my reputation as I'm having to do their work and have ended up cancelling clients on a couple of occasions as I can only do so much myself.

I'm getting to the point where I feel like giving up as I can't rely on anybody.  Any suggestions on dealing with this type of problem?  In the past I've dismissed the staff who behaved like this but the same thing just keeps happening.



  • Posts: 275
Re: Big staff issues
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 02:17:06 pm »
Hi Jenny

What sort of hours do you guarantee to your domestic team?  I find that a minimum of 4 hours per day keeps them engaged and it fits in well with school hours.  Most of my team work 20 to 25 hours per week excluding travelling time which they are not paid for.

I am also very clear that everyone I hire must actually like cleaning.  Its far too difficult a job for someone who is doing it simply because it pays better than macdonalds.

I also pay a quarterly attendance bonus which means that if they have no unplanned time off in a quarter they get an additional 15p per hour for the whole quarter.

How clear are you with your team on your expectations?  Do they have contracts of employment and a staff handbook?  Our handbooks clearly tell the team how they must report absence (NOT by text).

Do they work alone or in pairs?  Its far more fun and great for team building if your cleaners can work in pairs, share the driving, etc.

You also have to kiss a few frogs I'm afraid.  I've had some unreliable team members and have been at the stage of dreading text messages in the morning so I know where you are at, but you can break through.  All you need is to really think about who you want to attract, then be clear about your expectations and then inspire them to want to do a great job (say it quickly and its easy lol)  Also work alongside every new team member until you are sure they are good enough and so you can really get to know them and they you.

Hope that helps
